Tough Mudder, a gruelling 12 mile stamina course laced with iced water dips, barbed wire, rope climbs, water jumps, electrocution and of course mud, and lots of it. Set in the in a tranquil surrounds of the Cotswolds
This was my second visit to Tough Mudder upon request of the Total Guide To Team. It’s one of those occasions where being behind the camera is certainly a better deal than being in front of it (although it does look like alot lot of fun) The forecast was rain, not that any of the ‘Mudders’ would have minded, luckily the sun was out all day, so much so that I ended up with a sunburnt face, yes, I forgot my sunscreen!
The Brief – Creative documentary and lifestyle photography of the event. To follow the Total Guide To team around the course, capture the atmosphere, the fun, the mud and the tears with an emphasis on the Total Guide Team.
Lens of Choice – Canon 70-200 IS 2.8 II
Highlight – The kind lady at the water point who kindly filled my waterbottle 3 times! it was a hot day!
Well done to the Total Guide To Team Team! Here is a selection from the day.